Rent Control thrown out of their office by landlord for not paying 5 months rent


An office belonging to the Rent Control has been shut down. The landlord of the office says it has defaulted rent for five months – Rent control is yet to respond to the matter

A Rent Control Department at Amasaman in Accra is under lock and key. The office space landlord who houses the Department says the government organization failed to pay their rent

According to Joseph Nsiah Abugri, Rent Control has defaulted on its rent for the past five months. “I made an official report at the head office at Ministries. They asked me to direct it to the Amasaman office since that’s where my property is situated. In effect, they asked me to report to the same people who owe me, I was left with only one option – to buy padlocks and lock the facility. I’m demanding the full payment of the five months arrears,” he told the media.

An officer of rent control coming to meet the space under lock and key. Source: Getty Images Ghana’s debt crisis. The International Monetary Fund – a global lender to Ghana – says the country is in debt.

Recent statistics from the IMF show that Ghana’s debt is currently GHȼ332.4 billion cedis. What this means is that every Ghanaian will owes GHȼ11,133. This is GHC1,433 more than what was owed by the close of December 2020. That is, from GHȼ9,700 in 2020 to GHȼ11,133 as at June ending 2021.

Corruption in Ghana

A private legal practitioner, Matin Kpebu, is angry at how the government is spending the taxes of Ghanaians. Speaking on the Newsfile show on Joy News, Martin Kpebu cried that wasteful spending is currently the order of the day at various ministries. “Whenever you go to the Ministries, you see V8s all over the place. It’s terrible.” Private Legal Practitioner Martin Kpebu cried.

Rent Control thrown out of their office by landlord for not paying 5 months rent

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